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Busy busy busy

By 19 March, 2009February 18th, 2020No Comments

Since the parliament began sitting in mid February, I have been extremely busy handling the many items surrounding the parliament and the constituency. Below is the summary of some of my activities this past month:

  1. International Event:
    1. I was invited to go to Bangkok for the Asean Inter Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (more)
    2. I had an insightful meeting with Thailand’s PM (more)
  2. Parliament:
    1. I pushed DS Najib Razak (he’s also the Finance Minister) on the economy- (more) 
    2. I pushed the Home Minister on the yardstick on building police stations and the startling discrepancy with official statistics presented by the police. (more) 
    3. In the Perbahasan Titah Diraja, I gave a one-hour speech on my views regarding international politics, teaching maths and science in English and also the need to have a more balanced urban planning development (more)
  3. Constituency:
    1. Bangsar: Crime watch with police (more). Had many dialogues with the residents of Bangsar (more), and attended the objection to the KL Draft Plan meeting (more).
    2. Sri Sentosa: Met with the vendors at Lucky Garden and heard their plight (more)
    3. Pantai Dalam: Launched the digital democracy program (more). Launched the Program membina ukhwah at Lembah Pangsun (more). Launched the Sukaneka Pasti (more).
  4. Downloadable files:
    1. Crime watch pamplet
    2. Memorandum to police
    3. The text of my Titah diraja speech
    4. My wallpaper

footnote: on the ‘more’ links, I’ll update those links within the next few days…