EducationHuman RightsIssues Affecting the RakyatLegalLembah PantaiMediaParliamentPilihanrayaSosio EkonomiUndang-Undang MP Watch: Eye on Parliament (YB Nurul Izzah) by The Nut Graph
EducationHuman RightsIssues Affecting the RakyatLembah PantaiParliamentPolitikReligionUndang-UndangwomenYouth MP Watch–Eye on Parliament – Nurul Izzah Anwar (Lembah Pantai)
Federal TerritoryIssues Affecting the RakyatLembah PantaiMediaParliamentPress ReleaseSosio Ekonomi YB Nurul Izzah on whether Pakatan Rakyat’s Members of Parliament should receive allocations to service their constituencies.
Federal TerritoryIssues Affecting the RakyatLembah PantaiMediaPress ReleaseSosio Ekonomi SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI WILAYAH
EducationLembah PantaiParliamentPolicePolitikSosio EkonomiUndang-Undang Ucapan Perbahasan Belanjawan 2010 YB Nurul Izzah