Antarabangsa Tahap Keselamatan Negara Masih Terancam. KEADILAN Gesa Tubuh Jawatankuasa Khas Memerangi Keganasan.
Press Release Makluman penghantaran memorandum berkait kes pembunuhan saudara Bill Kayong (Allahyarham Mohd Hasbi Abdullah)
Press Release A meeting with Datuk Seri Najib Razak – when will the prime minister grant the wishes of the 744 JPA scholars?
Pilihanraya The EC must explain its locality correction exercise that has affected more than a million Malaysian voters
Human Rights Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Dikejarkan ke Hospital Akibat Kecederaan Tulang Belakang dan Masih Belum Menerima Rawatan Sepenuhnya-Di Manakah Janji Dato’ Seri Najib Razak?
Pilihanraya Shifty Move by SPR Shortchanges the Rights of Political Parties, State Government and Electorate