Human RightsIssues Affecting the RakyatLegalMediaPolicePolitikPress ReleaseUndang-Undang Anwar’s Sodomy Trial Meant to Hurt Us, says Izzah
Human RightsIssues Affecting the RakyatLembah PantaiMediaPolitikPress ReleaseUndang-Undang Amnesty International:Malaysia opposition leader Anwar faces ‘show trial’
Issues Affecting the RakyatLembah PantaiMediaSeri SentosaStop Crime Now!Undang-Undang KUTUKAN SEKERAS-KERASNYA TERHADAP SERANGAN KE ATAS MASJID-MASJID
Issues Affecting the RakyatParliament Jawapan Soalan Bertulis – mansuhkan cukai import ke atas peralatan penyelidikan